The silhouette of Master Chief, the star of the ridiculously popular Halo games on Xbox, is highlighted front and center of the packaging:

The amusing irony pointing, of course, to the existence of an argument wherein people debate (that's putting it nicely) whether Mouse control in first person shooter games are better than Gamepad control and vice-versa. This argument came to its current state of idiocy with the release of, you guessed it, Halo on Microsoft's first Xbox.
Even though I'm aware of the Halo 1 & 2 PC ports, I still think this is pretty damn amusing to see anyway.
(Oh, and as far as this blog is concerned? Mouse input is the superior and preferable input device for FPS games, but FPS games on consoles are still very enjoyable and playable with a gamepad. I don't understand these people that can't adapt to a new control scheme and enjoy themselves.)